MoCa - Motion Detection Camera and Dashcam 4.22
NOTE: besides Moca, we also have Moca2, a new redesigned Mocawithmore options, improvements in response time and battery usageandhigher resolutions (compatible with newer devices and uses thenewCamera2 android api). Look for it in our developer's page.Thefirst 100 persons who like it giving it 5 stars in playstore,willhave a free code for the paid version. The best motiondetectioncamera; it records video after motion is detected or justafter theuser clicks the record button. It can perfectly work evenwith thescreen off MoCa sends"com.twelvestars.event.MOTION_DETECTED","com.twelvestars.event.RECORDING_STARTED","com.twelvestars.event.RECORDING_STOPPED"Intents to the Operatingsystem when motion is detected, a recordingis started and arecording is stopped, so users can use tools asTasker, MacroDroid,Condi, Automate and more to create customactions. You can use MoCaas a regular camera (using the previewmode whilerecording/detecting) or you can use it as a backgroundrecorder (nopreview will be shown in screen). The backgroundrecording mode isperfect for saving battery, which will increasethe record time;you can use this mode when using MoCa as a cardashcam (dashboardcamera) or a security camera. With MoCa you candefine retentionpolicy for storage saving; if you decide to storeonly 10 videos,when MoCa finishes recording the 11th video it willautomaticallydelete the oldest one. You can also define the camerayou want touse for the recording as the video quality. MoCaautomaticallystops recording when battery level is low or whenthere's no enoughspace in the output destination, so videos won'tbe corrupted. MoCaalso has a Widget which you can use for easilystart and stop therecording/detection. And how does it internallywork? When usingMoCa as a motion detection recorder, when you pressthe "Detect"button, it will start detecting movement; when movementisdetected, it starts recording video... the recording length willbethe one defined in the settings; after that time reaches,videorecording stops and the camera enters in movement detectionagain(if auto continue detecting is configured) until you stop or anewmovement is detected. If you use MoCa as a regular recorder,whenyou press the "Record" button, it will start recording videoandwill split the video every "Max video length" seconds; ifyourecord during 5 minutes and have the Max Video Length configuredto60 seconds, it will produce 5 videos, each 1 minute length.MoCa'smain focus is to provide background recording and motiondetectioncapabilities; don't expect video advanced video featuresprovidedin other cameras such as video effects, stickers, etc. WithMoCapaid version you can configure: 1. Use the highest quality fortherecording. 2. Define a start delay for the detection/recording.3.Change the recording duration; by default 1 min. 4. Mute thecamerasound 5. Change the output directory for the recordings. 6.Definethe video extension. 7. Define retention policy 8. MASKtheapplication texts and icons. In free version (which includesads)you can enable the paid version options for onerecording/detectingsession, just by watching an ad video (maskingthe application isnot available in the freeversion).
Speechy Free - Listen PDF books, EPUBs, Web pages 5.0
With Speechy you can listen to books while doing some otheractivities, like excercising yourself. This is a text to speechapplication for listening any book or text you have in your device,or even web pages. Speechy has controls for rewind and forwardbetween pages. Use the media player notification to easily controlthe reading. You can export entire books to mp4 audio for listeningin your favourite music player. FEATURES: * Open and reads PDF,EPUB, Web pages, texts and more from the application. * Opendocuments from Whatsapp into the application. * Remembers the lastreading paragraph and will start reading from it the next time. *Write text in the application and make the application read it. *Browse the web and read out loud pages. * Customize voice languageand speech rate. * Define pause length between sentences. * Save tomp4 audio files * Use the media player notification to control thereading. In the free version you will listen an Ad while reading.This is not present when you buy the paid version. You can alsodisable the Ad in the settings for the free version if you watch anAd. Please help us out! If you like our app, a 5 stars play storereview will make a difference! If you think we could improve,please send us an email and we will be glad to see how can we getbetter.
Pacha - Page Change Detector FREE 1.10
Periodically monitors the different configured web pages andsendsyou a notification when the monitor rule matches. There are3different types of validations: 1. When text found: monitorstheweb page content and when it finds the text, just notifies you.2.When text not found: when the text is not longer present inthepage content, it notifies you. 3. When text changed: itnotifiesjust when the content changes. When looking for a text inthecontent, it allows to define the rule based on regularexpressions.The notifications can be recurrent, or an "Only OnceNotification".It allows to define a monitoring period and ifmonitoring it's tobe performed only when WIFI is on. Continuoslyvalidates theclipboard content and if an URL is found, it shows afloatingcomponent to add the new URL for monitoring.
Speechy - Listen PDF books, EPUBs and Web Pages 5.0
With Speechy you can listen to books while doing some otheractivities, like excercising yourself. This is a text to speechapplication for listening any book or text you have in your device,or even web pages. Speechy has controls for rewind and forwardbetween pages. Use the media player notification to easily controlthe reading. You can export entire books to mp4 audio for listeningin your favourite music player. FEATURES: * Open and reads PDF,EPUB, Web pages, texts and more from the application. * Opendocuments from Whatsapp into the application. * Remembers the lastreading paragraph and will start reading from it the next time. *Write text in the application and make the application read it. *Browse the web and read out loud pages. * Customize voice languageand speech rate. * Define pause length between sentences. * Save tomp4 audio files * Use the media player notification to control thereading. In the free version you will listen an Ad while reading.This is not present when you buy the paid version. You can alsodisable the Ad in the settings for the free version if you watch anAd. Please help us out! If you like our app, a 5 stars play storereview will make a difference! If you think we could improve,please send us an email and we will be glad to see how can we getbetter.
AstroMate - Astrology Charts / Numerology 7.0
With Astro Mate you can easily access the drawings, not only foryour charts, but also for family and friends charts (free versionis limited in the number of persons you can configure in theapplication). Natal chart, transits, Solar and Lunar returns,secondary progressions and synastries are included; and also thecurrent sky drawing. You can visualize the position of the Sun, theMoon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,Pluto, North lunar node, South lunar node, Fortune part, Chiron,Lilith, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta. Every chart has its own textdescription indicating the planet, position in sign, house andaspects with other planets. You can configure what planets areincluded in every single chart; you can also easily change the orbused in every one of them. With the Current Phases report you canview the current phase of the Moon and the dates for the upcomingphases; you can also get the current and upcoming retrogradesinformation. You can also get the tantric numerology informationbased on the birth date; the numerology for the name is includedtoo. FEATURES - Get drawings for your charts - Zoom in and out in achart for greater detail. - Get the current sky drawing - Easilynavigate dates and get an instant drawing of the new date - Use agoogle maps control for choosing the city to be used in every chart- Get text descriptions for planets positions and aspects in charts- Know the Moon cycles - Get the current and upcoming retrogradesreport - Configure planets to be included in every chart - Easilyadjust orb for every chart It requires internet access for thegoogle maps control, and also for getting the GMT given a date. Itrequires access to the local storage for saving the birth date andcity information for every person. Please help us out! If you likeour app, a 5 stars play store review will make a difference! If youthink we could improve, please send us an email and we will be gladto see how can we get better.
Pipla - Restricción Vehicular San Jose Costa Rica 4.1
Obtén notificaciones para la restricción vehicular.GeneraNotificaciones para la restricción vehicular para querecuerdesantes y durante el evento. Notifica momentos antes decomenzar larestricción vehicular en la ciudad que te encuentras.Lanotificación se muestra con el icono de una placa e inclusiveesvisible en la pantalla de bloqueo. Una vez notificado,puedeselegir silenciar las notificaciones en el período derestricciónvehicular en curso; estas solo volverán a ser mostradasen elpróximo período. Otras funcionalidades: * Permite tenervariasplacas matriculadas * Permite definir la ciudad por defecto.Encaso de no haber señal GPS, se notifica tomando como baseestaciudad. * Permite definir desde cuanto tiempo se debe alertarantesde comenzar la restricción vehicular, con el fin de no ir asacarel carro por desconocimiento. * Permite definir cadacuantonotificar. * Permite definir sonido personalizadoparanotificación. *** NUEVO: se tienen notificaciones verbalesunosmomentos antes de la restricción (configurable); esto puedeserconfigurado para usar un sonido de notificación como se hacíaenversiones anteriores, o también silenciado totalmente.
MoCa Free - Motion Detection Camera and Dashcam 4.22
NOTE: besides Moca, we also have Moca2, a new redesigned Mocawithmore options, improvements in response time and battery usageandhigher resolutions (compatible with newer devices and uses thenewCamera2 android api). Look for it in our developer's page.Thefirst 100 persons who like it giving it 5 stars in playstore,willhave a free code for the paid version. The best motiondetectioncamera; it records video after motion is detected or justafter theuser clicks the record button. It can perfectly work evenwith thescreen off MoCa sends"com.twelvestars.event.MOTION_DETECTED","com.twelvestars.event.RECORDING_STARTED","com.twelvestars.event.RECORDING_STOPPED"Intents to the Operatingsystem when motion is detected, therecording is started and theit's stopped, so users can use tools asTasker, MacroDroid, Condi,Automate and more to create customactions. You can use MoCa as aregular camera (using the previewmode while recording/detecting)or you can use it as a backgroundrecorder (no preview will beshown in screen). The backgroundrecording mode is perfect forsaving battery, which will increasethe record time; you can usethis mode when using MoCa as a cardashcam (dashboard camera) or asecurity camera. With MoCa you candefine retention policy forstorage saving; if you decide to storeonly 10 videos, when MoCafinishes recording the 11th video it willautomatically delete theoldest one. You can also define the camerayou want to use for therecording as the video quality. MoCaautomatically stops recordingwhen battery level is low or whenthere's no enough space in theoutput destination, so videos won'tbe corrupted. MoCa also has aWidget which you can use for easilystart and stop therecording/detection. And how does it internallywork? When usingMoCa as a motion detection recorder, when you pressthe "Detect"button, it will start detecting movement; when movementisdetected, it starts recording video... the recording length willbethe one defined in the settings; after that time reaches,videorecording stops and the camera enters in movement detectionagain(if auto continue detecting is configured) until you stop or anewmovement is detected. If you use MoCa as a regular recorder,whenyou press the "Record" button, it will start recording videoandwill split the video every "Max video length" seconds; ifyourecord during 5 minutes and have the Max Video Length configuredto60 seconds, it will produce 5 videos, each 1 minute length.MoCa'smain focus is to provide background recording and motiondetectioncapabilities; don't expect video advanced video featuresprovidedin other cameras such as video effects, stickers, etc. WithMoCapaid version you can configure: 1. Use the highest quality fortherecording. 2. Define a start delay for the detection/recording.3.Change the recording duration; by default 1 min. 4. Mute thecamerasound 5. Change the output directory for the recordings. 6.Definethe video extension. 7. Define retention policy 8. MASKtheapplication texts and icons. In free version (which includesads)you can enable the paid version options for onerecording/detectingsession, just by watching an ad video (maskingthe application isnot available in the freeversion).
Astro Mate FREE - Astrology Charts / Numerology 6.10
With Astro Mate you can easily access the drawings, not only foryour charts, but also for family and friends charts (free versionis limited in the number of persons you can configure in theapplication). Natal chart, transits, Solar and Lunar returns,secondary progressions and synastries are included; and also thecurrent sky drawing. You can visualize the position of the Sun, theMoon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,Pluto, North lunar node, South lunar node, Fortune part, Chiron,Lilith, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta. Every chart has its own textdescription indicating the planet, position in sign, house andaspects with other planets. You can configure what planets areincluded in every single chart; you can also easily change the orbused in every one of them. With the Current Phases report you canview the current phase of the Moon and the dates for the upcomingphases; you can also get the current and upcoming retrogradesinformation. You can also get the tantric numerology informationbased on the birth date; the numerology for the name is includedtoo. FEATURES - Get drawings for your charts - Zoom in and out in achart for greater detail. - Get the current sky drawing - Easilynavigate dates and get an instant drawing of the new date - Use agoogle maps control for choosing the city to be used in every chart- Get text descriptions for planets positions and aspects in charts- Know the Moon cycles - Get the current and upcoming retrogradesreport - Configure planets to be included in every chart - Easilyadjust orb for every chart It requires internet access for thegoogle maps control, and also for getting the GMT given a date. Itrequires access to the local storage for saving the birth date andcity information for every person. Please help us out! If you likeour app, a 5 stars play store review will make a difference! If youthink we could improve, please send us an email and we will be gladto see how can we get better.
MoCa2 - Motion Detection Recorder and Dashcam 5.13
Moca2, like its predecessor Moca, can be used as a regular camera,but its main functionality is to allow the user to record video ortake photos even with the screen turned off and without previewing.It has a motion detection mode which makes it very effective formonitoring babies, pets or even as a home security camera, since itcan be left monitoring and take a photo or video only when itdetects movement. In the car it can be used as Dashcam given itsability to keep only the last recorded minutes (it has aconfigurable retention policy), allowing space saving on yourdevice; you can put your cell phone in a holder and put it torecord even with the screen off. Moca2 has the option for sendingevents to the operating system so that other automation tools canbe integrated. It has a Widget to easily access to take photos,record video or enter detection mode without having to open theapp. In the free version there's advertisement and thefunctionality for masking the application is not available;Furthermore, some options (which are unrestricted in the paidversion) can be accessed after viewing an advertisement. Pleasehelp us out! If you like our app, a 5 stars play store review willmake a difference! If you think we could improve, please send us anemail and we will be glad to see how can we get better. Pleaserefer to the tutorial for more details:
AmTrack - Price Tracker for Amazon FREE 1.10
Periodically monitors the configured Amazon products and sends youanotification when the price changes. It allows to defineamonitoring period and if monitoring it's to be performed onlywhenWIFI is on. Continuosly validates the clipboard content and ifanAmazon URL is found, it shows a floating component to add thenewURL for monitoring. This is not an amazon application. Pleasereadthe privacy policyat
Lyra - Lyrics Music Player and Karaoke 3.0
Playing music already downloaded to you device and want to seethelyrics? This is the right music player for you. With LyraMusicplayer you can automatically download and view the lyrics forthesong you're currently playing; after the lyrics are downloaded,youcan edit them with the different tools inside the application.Thelyrics are automatically scrolled when the song is playing.LyraMusic player supports the lyrics in LRC format and looks therightlyrics for the currently playing song inside your device; ifnolyrics files are found locally, it automatically download themfromthe Internet. Are you a multitasking person? well, we canalsodisplay the lyrics of the song while you're usingotherapplications. We use a floating lyrics component which youcanposition in any part of the screen and will show over theotherapplications you are using. Trying to learn a foreignlanguage?Lyra Music Player is a great tool for learning throughmusiclistening; we support showing the lyrics in bothlanguages(original song language and a translation) at the sametime; forachieving this, just paste the translation over theoriginal lyricand choose mix lyrics... we will display a 2 columnslyric with theoriginal and translated lyrics. If you have multiplelyrics filesfor a single song (for example, english lyric,translation tospanish, french, etc), you can easily switch from oneto another.What not to expect? We're focused in a good userexperience fordisplaying song lyrics; don't expect advancedfunctionalityprovided in some other music players. And what aboutintegrationwith external players? Lyra doesn't integrate; for thatyou need toinstall our "Lyra Plugin" application which is alsoavailable inour Playstore site. With Lyra Music Player you can: 1.Navigateyour local music collection, categorized by artist, album,genreand playlists. 2. View lyrics and navigate between differentlyricfiles stored inside your phone 3. Download lyrics frominternet 4.Copy lyric content to clipboard 5. Delete lyrics Whenediting alyric file you can: 1. Edit the current line text 2.Delete a line3. Clear times 4. Sync time backward and forward. 5.Set the firstline time and last line time. 6. Set the time for thecurrentplaying line View our privacy policyat
Recky - Screen Recorder / Audio Recorder FREE 1.9
Records video in different qualities and also records voicewithdifferent profiles (voice profile, environment profile) It canbeused as a voice recorder (no video recording)